A Succession of Minor Set Backs...

New titles are circulating in our home

‘A Succession of Minor Set Backs’ seems appropriate for many reasons.

Do they still give kids detention? Make them sit at a desk for hours on end? How about writing their names on the chalkboard, excuse me- dry erase board, smart board… with check marks each time they don’t abide by some bullshit rule?

People keep asking if we will send our daughter to school.

Of course we carry our own experiences and offer our 2 cents when given the chance to describe in great detail the agony of public school.

Although smoking cigarettes in the girls room, boys room or Brandt’s car was a nice break from the forced curriculum. I would never want to go back or subject anyone to that.

There has to be another way.

Sent to the principals office more times than she can count… what good did that ever do?

Humiliation, waste of time, someone else’s problem. That’s what it felt like.

Arrested at the Carnival was a highlight for some. She wore her silver & turquoise pot leaf ring that night & hid her pipe down her pants.

Padded room at the local rehab wasn’t something one shares about on a first date… or interview.

She sure was good at field hockey, though.

The whispers were heard. Some were even told ‘don’t hang around that kid'.

The yearbook even had a category for ‘Teachers Worst Nightmare’.

A fierce desire to prove them all wrong is still deep within her and even some evidence appears.

They were wrong

They were scared too

Let’s do better

